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The bosses wifethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 13288 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Apr 21 2009Views / Reads: 3687 / 3123 [85%]Story vote: 9.21 (14 votes)
David gets caught up in every day work related politics

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The Bosses wife

I had just started working for a small little publishing firm. Being a part-time writer myself, it was enjoyable work reading other writers manuscripts, all hopeful of getting their works printed in book form. It was a relatively small office too, something else that I quite liked as it was a fairly laid back and comfortable atmosphere. My job was basically to read the manuscripts, critique them and then pass on my recommendations to Larry Somers my boss, or on to his wife Christine who partnered the business with him. Based on their acceptance and approvals on those recommendations, the manuscript was then handed off to one of two editors we had on staff.

I guess about the only real downside to my job, was the fact that my office, if you even want to call it that, was located downstairs in what used to be a storage area. And though it had been remodeled and was certainly comfortable enough, there were no outside windows, hence given the name as the "Dungeon", where Rebecca, Brenda the two first class editors and myself worked. A small office staff, receptionist, and then Larry and Christine's offices were on the main floor, a well lit, somewhat extravagant looking area that was meant to impress our would be clients whenever they were invited in to begin the final spit and polish of their works prior to release or publication.

Almost from the onset, Rebecca, Brenda and I got along famously. Even ...

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