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Right Under Her Nosethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4934 words)

Author: shadypony
Added: Apr 25 2009Views / Reads: 6642 / 5041 [76%]Story vote: 9.33 (18 votes)
My lover's wife is out of town, and I am invited to his house for an action packed afternoon. I intend to fuck him in every room of the house.

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"Well, here goes..." I thought to myself as I turned the key in the ignition. I was on my way to the home of a guy that I had been fucking for over a year with my husband's knowledge. We usually met at an empty condo that he was selling, and fucked on the couch. It was one of the only pieces of furniture in the place, which he brought in specifically to fuck me on. I always wondered what the Realtors thought when they walked through the condo to show clients.

This day was different. His wife was out of town, down in New Mexico. Yes, I said wife. He is married as well, but in a marriage of convenience for the child, from what he tells me. They have no sexual relationship, and unfortunately can hardly stand to be in the same house together. I had never been to his house, and was a little nervous when I pulled up. I called him and he said to park in the driveway next to his truck and come on in through the gate. I felt a little strange being so obvious with my visit, wondering if any of their neighbors were friends with his wife, and if they might give the description of my truck, or me for that matter. The last thing I need is for someone's jealous wife to come looking for me.

I entered through the kitchen door into a very cozy southwest flavored home. He was standing at the door welcoming me in. He took me into his arms and kissed me. Afterwards I looked around and admired his handy work. He is a contractor and did all his own work on the house. I really loved the pine wood floors that he had running throughout the ...

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