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Working Latethis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 5903 words)

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: May 06 2009Views / Reads: 5163 / 4119 [80%]Story vote: 9.18 (11 votes)
A tram ride home late at night is a pleasant surprise

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Working Late

It was one of those days when everything seemed to go wrong. I'd worked far later than usual at the office, needing to stay until the reports I'd been waiting on had been compiled before I could leave. As it was, I'd be catching the next to last tram of the evening, and though the trip itself was only a twenty minute ride to where my car was parked, it was another thirty minutes drive home after that. I boarded, not too surprised to see very few people on the car I had entered, one stop later in fact, now alone with two men who were sitting next to and across from a rather attractive looking brunette. Trying not to stare or be too obvious about it, I did notice they seemed to be giggling and up to something simply by their mannerisms as the tram pulled out of the stop heading towards the next stop which was mine. I settled down in my seat at the opposite end of the car, giving plenty of distance between us. But within minutes, it became obvious that part of whatever they were doing, included doing it in front of an unwitting passenger.

One of the men a tall very masculine and rugged looking individual with dark wavy hair and what was obviously a perpetual five o'clock shadow, finally stood. I sat watching as he looked over towards where I was sitting, a smile on his face, which I thought particularly odd at the moment until I suddenly realized he had done so with his rock hard cock sticking out of his pants! At first I couldn't believe what I was ...

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