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Alex has a sprained anklethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:seduction, 2081 words)

Author: Passionbites
Added: May 22 2009Views / Reads: 3897 / 3011 [77%]Story vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
How a dream hunk has a sprained ankle that I get to massage and it goes on from there...

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Alex - That was his name. A seven footer with the body of a swimmer (though he was a basket ball player and not a swimmer). A man all the way - the sexiest I had seen at that point in time.

I had been having fantasies of seducing him for quite a while now. Unlike most of the others in the working men's hostel that I lived in, he had not showed any attention to me in the sexual way.

Being the youngest in the hostel and the only one studying to boot, I was treated as a kid. Though I was not effeminate, but attractive with a nice slim body and smooth skin, most of the other men in the hostel tried to hit on me at least once what with this being a men's only hostel and their having no outlet for their sexual tensions.

I responded to those whom I fancied and had my discreet affairs within the hostel with no one any wiser.

But though I had caught Alex staring at my ass in the hall mirror once when I was dancing to the song playing in the common room and one other time he looked a little embarrassed when I rubbed my ass against his while he was waiting to wash his hands after me in the wash room near the canteen, he didn't seem to take the initiative.

And that was when I came to know that he had had a sprained leg when I met him in the canteen. He was limping and had taken an off from ...

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