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A college-going boy finds pleasure with the neighbouring womanthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 3811 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Wheels
Added: May 26 2009Views / Reads: 4159 / 2779 [67%]Part vote: 7.67 (6 votes)
Mature woman shows the young stud that there is more to sex than just a great pair of legs

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The bus came to a stop outside the house. The doors opened and a middle-aged, plump woman got down. As the bus drove on, sending dust and smoke in the air, the woman brought her hands forward in full view, her forearms encased in the straps of her crutches. Planting the crutches firmly in front of her, she swung forward, hip after hip. As she crutched towards her street, I watched from the window. It was the fourth day I watched this maneuvre.

I had moved into this house as a paying guest just last week. It was closer to my college, though the rent was higher. The advantages were clear: it was by the streetside and right opposite the bus stop. I could reach the college in about 15 minutes and save a lot of time and energy.

The first evening as I had sat resting in my room by the window, I had observed this woman get down from the bus and then move along on her crutches, swinging her lower body in a peculiar gait. I was curious to know more about her, but as I was new in the locality, asking questions would be tricky. I decided to observe. I found that she always rode on the bus that reached our stop at 7pm. It left the town centre at around 6:30pm. Also she travelled every single day, even on the week-ends.

I went into town on the next week-end to look around and as luck would have it, I spotted her coming out of a corner street to the bus ...

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