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John and Dr.K. Meet Jamal J. this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1652 words)

Author: rondori Picture in profile
Added: May 30 2009Views / Reads: 5866 / 3556 [61%]Story vote: 9.07 (15 votes)
Illustrated story done for a friend who supplied me his wife's pics and a rough plot. I wrote and illustrated it for him and his wife.

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John and Dr.K. Meet Jamal J.

John and Dr. Jenny K. went out to a college basketball game before dinner at a fancy restaurant. The game is exciting but the star player, Jamal J. is injured before halftime. Dr. K. is called upon to treat Jamal in the college infirmary because she is the only physician in attendance at the game. She does not want to treat Jamal because of the dinner reservations. John tells Jenny that the hospital where she works cannot afford another lawsuit ever sense it turned away a poor black woman due to lack of insurance.

It is a Saturday and the infirmary is otherwise deserted. John and Jenny have just helped Jamal onto the exam table.

John: "I'll change the dinner reservations, but I can't find my cell phone. Where is the nearest public phone?"

Jamal: "I think there's one back at the gymnasium lobby."

Jenny: "Ok, I will treat your ankle while John calls the restaurant."

Jenny can't help but notice the size of Jamal's genitals because he is not wearing underwear and his shorts have large leg holes. She finds herself staring while she is taping the ankle. Jamal notices her distraction and fascination. ...

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