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Whispersthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2627 words) [6/6] show all parts

Author: Last Caress
Added: Nov 27 2000Views / Reads: 518 / 412 [80%]Part vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
The finale of the story to Jim and Cheryl.

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Chapter 6

I showed up at Cheryl's in my tuxedo. Lucy opened the door and was waiting with a camera ready. Cheryl came down the stairs and I was floored. She had on a black strapless that clung to her body. It went all the way to the floor, but had slits running up the sides. She just smiled and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. We did the whole deal with pictures for the parents. I don't understand it. We took the limo from my house to the resort.

Prom was okay. They all really suck for the most part. The only good thing that happened was on the way to Fisher's place. Cheryl and I were in the back of the limo and I found a small plate of fresh strawberries. I knelt down on the floor between her legs. Reaching up her dress, I pulled off Cheryl's panties. They were white cotton schoolgirl panties. She had a huge wet spot right in the crotch of them. I looked up at her with a smirk.

"I thought they might be appropriate since you will take my last innocence tonight."

"Really? Move your skirt up so that your bare ass is on the seat." Cheryl did as she was told and I moved over to the window. I pushed the down button and flung the offensive panties out the window. Cheryl just laughed with a look of shock on her face. ...

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