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Author: Selena
Added: Jun 09 2009Views / Reads: 933 / 767 [82%]Part vote: 9.00 (6 votes)
Jessel, Jordan and Lacy take a trip to Reno for their second encounter. The people they meet prove to be sexy and fun.

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It had been two months since we met Jessel and shared a fantastic and unforgettable weekend with her in our home town.

We had been planning for another memorable get together since the day we dropped her off on the highway to begin her hitchhike home. This time, we were going to Reno; Vegas would have been fun, but, Reno was more our budget. Besides, we probably wouldn't venture far from our hotel room anyway.

Jordan and I wanted to either fly or drive down, but, Jessel insisted we pack a light bag each and stick out our thumbs.

"Trust me, you two will have the time of your lives on the hike down there. Half the fun is the people who pick you up" This was her mantra to convince us to thumb it.

Really, it was me who needed convincing, I've only ever hitchhiked twice in my whole life and was kind of scared. I was excited at the same time - adventure lay ahead!

Our first few rides were uneventful, I was almost disappointed. Jessel had me so wound up and looking forward to meeting new people.

Once we crossed into California events took a turn for the better.


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