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My Submissive Sidethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4318 words)

Author: Irishmaster Picture in profile
Added: Jun 18 2009Views / Reads: 2466 / 1680 [68%]Story vote: 9.12 (8 votes)
During a 18 month period, I went wild and for the 1st time really let my Submissive Side out with someone other then my husband!

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While I've never had any trouble finding guys to plunge what my husband calls, my "Insatiable Pussy!" This has been a stellar year and a half, for feeding my "Never Ending Lust". I don't think I went for more then a week with out feeling a New or Different Cock plunging me. I had 4 regular lovers besides my husband. Not that I don't have plenty of sex at home. Hardly a night goes by that he doesn't pump a warm load of cum into me, and give me several nice orgasms to boot! Don't think he's getting left out either, I've tasted several different flavors of Pussy juice on his Cock!

He knows about most of my "Fuck Friends." I have his permission. Thanks to 2 of my girl friends, I had a number of Group Gropes, Gang Bangs, Pulled a Train, you know all the different ways to say Multiple Partners at the same time! . Something I learned to really enjoy back in High School, and still LOVE today! Plus, for the 1st time, I really let my submissive side out with some one other then my Husband. He calls me his "Aggressive Submissive". Because I go after what I want, but once I get it I am up for almost anything. More about that later.

It's all started because my husband, whose been taking Nude pictures of me since we 1st met and married. Suggested I enter the Amateur Contest in 2 of the men's Magazines he has subscriptions too. We talked about it off and on for years. Each month, we would open the new issues and compare my pics with the ones in the contests. Often I would get out ...

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