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Keeping it in the Family Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 10601 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Paul Garland Picture in profile
Added: Jun 20 2009Views / Reads: 2357 / 2134 [91%]Part vote: 9.31 (13 votes)
My father's first attempt at helping my girlfriend get pregnant didn't work, so we go back to try again and have even more fun this time around...

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(Note from the Author - my past couple of stories have been a departure from my normal 'slut wife' genre, but fear not, after this one we are back into my usual familiar territory of spouses with a higher than average sex drive...)

Keeping It In The Family part 2

Dad was only too pleased to help out when we failed to get Katey pregnant first time. He was sympathetic with our disappointment, but obviously quite eager to assist Katey once again. We were only staying the one night this time, but it was plenty of time because we were there for the sole purpose of trying to make a baby - both Katey and Dad knew exactly what was going to happen - and we didn't have to any decorating or anything like that to earn his favour.

Shortly after arriving, I left Katey and Dad downstairs talking in the front room while I took our bags upstairs to the guest room. I quickly unpacked, and headed back downstairs to find them in the front room, drinking tea and already discussing the reason for our visit and sorting out the plan for what we were going to do.

"This is slightly awkward," Katey was saying, "Talking like this - it feels a bit mechanical and... well, seedy isn't quite the right word, but..."


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