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Voyeuristic Fantasiesthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1812 words)

Author: FieryVixen
Added: Nov 27 2000Views / Reads: 2285 / 1531 [67%]Story vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
She was bored and tired of her life, could a stranger's suprise change that!!!

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Very bored, and unsatisfied, Judith crawled out of bed around one o'clock in the afternoon. After last night display of dispassionate lovemaking from her husband, was bound to bore to death anybody. After being married for four years, and nothing, but a big house, Mercedes and jaguar to show for it, was pretty dull. Her husband, was a simplistic, kind, fart, who idea of fun was to play gin on a Friday night. Judith was in the marriage for the money, hell she as well as anyone else new she had no job skills. Now that she had her baby three months ago, she decided it was high time she slipped back into her revealing outfits. Those last six months of her pregnancy had been hell for her, not being able to fit into anything sexy. The baby was sleeping in its room, and the nanny was there to take care of it. Now her husband felt that she should dress more appropriately now that she was a mother, well the damn fool was at work, she thought to herself, what could he say. She pulled open one of her draws where she stashed the thong bikini, and slowly undressed in front of the mirror. Her figure was beautiful once again, thanks to a private trainer. She put the bathing suit on and looked at herself in the mirror. Tall slender legs leading to the v shape of her bikini bottoms, her flat concave stomach, which was followed by her voluptuous breasts, and bigger now that she had a baby. That was the only good thing that happened during her pregnancy. Her hair was bottle blonde, her face considered beautiful by most men's standards. She put a robe on over her bikini, took her sunglasses and walked to the pool.


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