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An Extra Special Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1319 words)

Author: traines
Added: Jun 22 2009Views / Reads: 1119 / 545 [49%]Story vote: 7.75 (4 votes)
Great sex at night after mindblowing sex that morning? Every day should be like this!

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I hadn't expected to have sex this evening. You and I had such a mindblowing session this morning I figured the night would be uneventful. I love it when life is unpredictable in such a hot, sexy way!

I woke up this morning to find my cock sliding in an out of your mouth. The shock was terrific and the sight was amazing. You brought me deep into your throat, then closed your lips tight around my shaft and tugged your lips slowly upward, stopping just before I popped out of your sweet, buttery mouth. You swirled your tongue swiftly around the head of my cock, sending an electrical storm throughout my entire body.

"Oh, baby," I said. "What started this fire?"

I bunched up my pillow to raise my head so I could gaze at you while you performed your wonderful service. You told me you had just had the hottest dream. You were in bed with Barack and Michelle Obama. You were sitting low on Michelle Obama's face while Barack was kneeling behind you, taking you anally. It turns out the President is not only a master politician but a master assfucker as well. After only a few vigorous thrusts of his thick cock into your backdoor, and some expert licking by the First Lady around your throbbing clit, you were soaring into orgasm after orgasm, shaking violently while you came. And not just in your dream--you were cumming in real life, too, and it was the ...

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