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Shooting Julie. Chapter Twothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2616 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Jimpy 2009 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 30 2009Views / Reads: 1754 / 1393 [79%]Part vote: 9.24 (17 votes)
Jim and Julie have an evening out and then an evening in. If you have not read Chapter One, I suggest you do. Thank you.

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Julie reached out a hand and helped me up. I must have looked pretty silly with my face covered in her pussy juice and my dick dangling out of my pants. She obviously did not think so as she pulled me close and plastered her mouth over mine. We kissed for a long time, after which she drew back and let out a breathy "WOW!" "Same here" I said grinning, "that was awesome Julie. So, I'll tuck Willie away and head to my place to clean up". I suggested we meet up again at The Constellation Grille at seven pm where we could book a table and head to the bar for a drink or two. But, I also suggested we go in separate vehicles. Julie agreed and gave me another good hard kiss and with a cheery "see you there" drifted into her ensuite.

Back at my place I took a long hot shower and thought how lucky I was to have had the kind of afternoon guys dream about. Then I thought that it was a damn shame I didn't get into professional photography as a career. Just think of the possibilities.

The Constellation was actually a four star Hotel. It's current Grille, years ago, used to be a grand dining room which attracted the city's elite. Now with newer hotels popping up all the time pulling the elite to them the Constellation went with the times and catered down a notch or two. Not that it wasn't a place to be, far from it. It had an expansive main floor dining area along with a second level which ran around the entire wall space affording great views of the diners below and an excellent spot from which to enjoy the mini orchestra which ...

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