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Sleeping on the terrace one summer night... part Ithis story is part of the FanClub (mm:seduction, 2338 words)

Author: Passionbites
Added: Jul 02 2009Views / Reads: 2953 / 2006 [68%]Story vote: 10.00 (4 votes)
Two strangers meet up on the terrace and heat up a summer night

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It was ho...t !!! The summer was no time to be in Delhi. And on top of it the air conditioner was not working. The open terrace of the apartment was the only option and so I lay glistened in sweat with just a boxer shorts covering me which was drenched in perspiration and clinging to my ass slit.

It was a moonlit night and there was hardly any wind. The mattress and pillow also were wet with my sweat. I stretched my limbs as far away from my body as possible in a sprinter like pose to save me from my body's own heat in its various crevices.

And it was as I was tossing and turning that I suddenly felt a presence near me!

The apartments in most areas is Delhi were so closely spaced that their terraces are adjacent each other seperated by knee high walls to demarcate the end of one building. I had placed my mattress close to one such wall across which a few feet away was the door to the stairwell to that building. In the shadow of the stair well I could make out the glow of a cigarette and the shadow of a man.

As I looked from under my elbow shading my eyes, I could see the glint of the man staring at me. His hands were moving, and I realised in horror that he was masterbating!


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