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The new office.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1970 words)

Author: ---E--- Picture in profile
Added: Jul 03 2009Views / Reads: 2590 / 2085 [81%]Story vote: 8.55 (11 votes)
I get more than a surprise visit when my wife shows up at work.

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It was Saturday, I had another late shift at work, I had been there all day and would be there a good part of the night. This was normal for my job, but recently I got a promotion which made it happen even more often. I hadn't seen my wife in a few days, due to the schedule, and I was horny as hell. And the schedule looked as if I still would have 2 more shifts before we actually had some time together. I e-mailed her an erotic card asking her to send me some sexy pictures of herself in lingerie. I had tried this a couple times since she had given me a coupon for 5 erotic photos of her for Valentine's Day, but she hadn't responded and I didn't expect a response this time.

Tonight was girls' night out for her. Her and a few girl friends got together every now and then for dinner, then usually hung out and "gossiped" at one of the houses. I always imagined they discussed sexy girl type stuff over a few glasses of wine and hoped for her to come home a little hornier than usual, in hopes of some fun sex. But it never seemed that was the case. Anyway tonight was that night; she had a babysitter for the kids and was headed out with the girls. She called before she left and we chatted for a while, then she said she would give me a call when she got in if it wasn't too late.

When we hung up I got some work done, but the computer screen kept drifting back to porn and after a while I just gave up on work. I guess a few hours drifted by as I surfed and got myself even more worked up. Then I get a call at my desk - "You have a visitor." My first thought ...

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