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It's Time!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1916 words)

Author: No one U no
Added: Jul 06 2009Views / Reads: 2071 / 1768 [85%]Story vote: 8.44 (9 votes)
Alden and Kathy after their engagement party.

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Alden and Kathy finally had the party celebrating their engagement. Alden gazes at his bride to be bursting with pride. Never had he seen her looking so lovely than he had tonight during the party. Her sexy body shown off to great advantage in a stunning red dress. Her substantial diamond ring giittering in the light as she moves her hand while talking.

He was hoping that tonight would be the night. They had never had sex and she promised that she would sleep with him before the wedding, but it had to be on her terms, not his. He was tired of working his right hand overtime and wished the day she would spread her legs for him would be soon. Tonight if possible. He had never had to wait for a woman. His ex Jen never made him wait and was as horny as he was, making it no secret that she wanted him. The trouble with Jen was that she wanted everyone else too so he ended things with her.

He had never had anyone brand-new like Kathy. Her long silver blond hair and angelic blue eyes were stunning and just the the thought of her covered in sweat laying naked in his arms was making him hard. He quickly began to think of mundane things like taxes and paying bills to calm himself, thanking the fact that he was wearing a suit. The jacket was great at hiding his obvious arousal.

Kathy was at present, saying good-bye to some guests since the party was winding down when someone tapped him on the shoulder. ...

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