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The Dark Man VII: The Beginning of the End.this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 29369 words) [7/7] show all parts

Author: Dark_Lord
Added: Jul 09 2009Views / Reads: 415 / 284 [68%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
The final chapter in the Dark Man saga. My apologies that it took so long to get finished but here it is. Steve and Lisa meet Steve's and things don't go quite to plan.

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The Dark Man 7

The Beginning of the End

[Authors note: This has been a long time coming but the Dark Man story is finally completed. I think I might have lost my way with this story a little as I took too much time going back and forth to it. Still, I hope you all enjoy it. I'd like to thank everyone who spent the time to read the many, many words of this story and all it's parts. Oh, and yes, if you haven't read the previous 6 chapters...it might be a good idea to.]

It's all the fault of that damn calculator! Bobby Lee Thompson thought dimly as he sat, hunched over his office desk. With a big shaking hand, Bobby Lee picked up a nearly empty bottle of Wild Turkey and brought it over to his cut-glass tumbler. He was careful to keep his thumb away from the bottle, not that he would have had much luck bending it anyway. It stuck out from his hand in a curious zigzagging way and it no longer really resembled a thumb anymore. To Bobby Lee's glassy eyes, it looked like a squashed, stunted sausage. It was covered in drying, tacky blood from a laceration that ran the length of the thumb. The nail was purple-black, already dead and split like the rest. The neck of the bottle chattered against the rim of his tumbler as the dark brown liquid poured into the glass. He put the Turkey bottle aside carelessly and picked up the tumbler, bringing it to his lips, his ...

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