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Taxi Driverthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:voyeurism, 2244 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Jul 11 2009Views / Reads: 4202 / 3629 [86%]Story vote: 9.25 (12 votes)
A taxi driver picks up a highly sexually charged couple.

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In my 15 years as a Taxi Driver I've seen some funny things but nothing compares to what happened in my cab last Thursday night.

It had been another slow evening when I got a call to pick up a some passengers at a trendy bar in the centre of town; then take them to a country house hotel about 35 miles away. I checked my watch and decided to end my shift after I'd dropped them off as it was roughly in the same direction as my home.

The street was well lit but quiet so I soon spotted them as I approached the bar in my VW Sharan 7 seater taxi.

. They were both obviously very merry - he was trying to pull her against him but she was laughing and pushed him away; gently slapping his hand in admonishment. They hardly noticed the large car or even me until I opened the sliding door and asked, "Are you Mr and Mrs Huntley?"

"Not exactly!" The man chuckled; "I'm Mr. Huntley but this young lady is Mrs. Palmer."

The woman swung away from his clutches and stooped to get into the back seat. I discretely hid a smile as I got an eyeful of breast and nipple ...

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