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Savannah Pt 2this story is part of the FanClub (mm:anal sex, 3543 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: baileyman Picture in profile
Added: Jul 14 2009Views / Reads: 613 / 510 [83%]Part vote: 10.00 (1 vote)
More from my trip to Georgia

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The night before was a blur of cock, ass, and mixed bodily fluids. My muscles ached, but none more than my ass. It wasn't a bad ache. I always enjoy the feeling of being good and fucked and there is no question that I had been. I still couldn't believe I had just spent the night being pounded by someone I had met literally on the street a few hours ago. We had a gentle morning after fuck then my mystery driver drove his matching Mustang off into the sunrise.

I showered and quickly got my head into the work ahead. Work went smoothly and I had a feeling if things kept going so well I'd have a lot of free time during the week. My body ached most of the day. It pulled my mind back to the events of last night and the promise of the week to come.

After work I was reminded of the limited prospects I'd discovered in Savannah. I'm not into bars or cruising the local toilets. When I travel I usually hit the adult arcades or, if I'm in a bigger city, the gay bath houses. So, in a town like Savannah with essentially neither, I was limited to Internet hookups.

I use a site called men4sexnow.com. It's been hit or miss in the past. When it's good, I have no complaints, but when it's not I curse the day Al Gore created the World Wide Web. Unfortunately, not knowing the town, it was the only tool at my disposal for the moment. I set my travel ad to Savannah and hit the SEX NOW button to inform anyone and ...

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