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Shia gets all sweatythis story is part of the FanClub (mm:other, 2702 words)

Author: Jaywalkin
Added: Jul 27 2009Views / Reads: 4170 / 3032 [73%]Story vote: 9.83 (6 votes)
Shia LaBuff comes off set all sweaty in need a of massage. Instead of his normal girl, he gets me...and I get him.

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This is purely fiction. No real persons are meant or implied.

Shia LaBuff had been working hard all day on his new action movie. It was being shot in the deserts of Arizona and having been running around all day, he was sore and sweaty. Before he left the shooting, he called the hotel he had been staying at for the month of the shoot and asked for his regular girl for a massage. The hotel confirmed his request and he got in his car only to hit traffic. He was not happy as he got to the hotel very late.

My name is Scotty. I am 20 and I am one of the pool boys. It's a perfect job for me because I love to swim and it shows. I am working here to pay for my nursing school. I have already taken all the classes on the muscles and structure of the body and I just completed some extra massage classes.

Shia's normal massage girl is Debbie. The front desk clerk who took his call didn't know she had gone home sick. I was the only one at the hotel with any type of training and by the time Debbie had gone home it was too late to get anyone else to go up to his room, set up the table and be ready for him. So I got the job. The only work clothes I had were the tight shorts and polo shirt for the pool. It was really tough to control my cock when they told me who I would be giving the massage to. I grabbed the table and kit and practically ran all the way to his room. ...

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