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Patient Visionsthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:one-on-one, 3024 words)

Author: JayLynn Picture in profile
Added: Jul 27 2009Views / Reads: 448 / 309 [69%]Story vote: 9.43 (7 votes)
The visions of us I see, while waiting for her to trust the connection we share and give herself over to US.

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The universe teaches us all patience in different ways. This story is mostly about those images cascading through one's mind while one learns and waits... Thanks to my inspiration. :)


Most importantly please be aware that the following is a story considered to be of an erotic nature. It will depict, in some lengthy detail, explicit love/sexual relationships. If you are not of legal age or it is illegal to view such things where you are currently sitting please read no further. All that said and done, please enjoy and any questions or comments can be forwarded to me - JayLynn - at writingsdesire@aol.com or directly through eroticstories.com Esmail (probably the fastest way to get a response.)


I am so fucking hot I can't stand it. My pussy is aching and I can feel it spasming, wanting so much to be filled by her fingers. My clit is hard and throbbing, aching to be sucked between her lips as she stares up at me, showing me without words that she knows exactly what she is doing to me. My nipples are hard enough to cut glass and are pushing against my bra begging to be pulled, pinched, sucked, and just tortured and teased by her. She knows how I like it, even before I say a word, she knows... I want her so much, to hear her tell me exactly what she ...

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