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Guilty Pleasures - Chapter Threethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 5101 words) [3/10] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Aug 07 2009Views / Reads: 2063 / 1804 [87%]Part vote: 9.42 (12 votes)
Susan and Jennifer meet for lunch to discuss the next step

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Guilty Pleasures - Chapter Three

I met Susan for lunch the following day at a favorite little restaurant of ours. As we usually did, we asked for our favorite table, which was off to one side and a bit out of the normal flow of traffic. In the beginning our waiters and waitresses weren't too pleased by our request. But now being "regulars" as we were, and tipping very well for the additional privacy so we could often chat without being overheard, we were only met with smiles and better than average service after that.

I knew this little meet would center around Jared. I was more than a bit nervous even now as we met up, sitting down to discuss it. And though I had in the heat of passion agreed to do this, after Susan and Bill had left, Rob and I had sat down and discussed it at length after that once again. My first concern was for him, and had he had any reservations about it whatsoever afterwards, I'd have gladly declined, calling up our friends and reneging on my agreement to go through with all of this.

Rob didn't, aside from getting my assurance that once Jared and I had in fact slept together, it wouldn't continue. (Unless he was there to see it of course and be involved afterwards). I didn't take his comment seriously, not even being able to imagine it myself, but after what we'd now experienced with our friends (discussing that in detail as ...

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