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Guilty Pleasures - Chapter Seventhis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 4882 words) [7/10] show all parts

Author: Thesandman Picture in profile
Added: Aug 13 2009Views / Reads: 1686 / 1459 [87%]Part vote: 9.69 (13 votes)
Susan and Jennefer spend an interesting afternoon together, with Jared watching

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Guilty Pleasures - Chapter Seven

"Why down here?" Susan asked as I led her downstairs towards the basement shortly after she'd arrived home.

"Because, I made a special little place up for us for one thing. But for another, just in case someone does come in, or come home unexpectedly, we have a quick way out, or rather I do anyway," I said grinning at her. "You might get away with being partially undressed being that this is your home, but I think someone coming in and finding me in a likewise state, might raise more than just a few eyebrows."

"Like a few cocks you mean?" Susan said snickering. "Especially knowing Jared's friends, I bet you would too!"

"Yeah well...which is why it's better to be safe than sorry. And besides, like I said, I fixed up a cozy naughty little place for us to play in."

There was a door leading up from the new downstairs den to the outside up a short flight of steps. I had used the reasoning behind coming down here as this room did have a door which I could quickly, and easily slip out of if I needed to. I had also chosen it as a place for us to have fun in because of all the large comfy cushions and soft pliable beanbag like chairs we could also use. All of which I had ...

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