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Baby Be Mine--The Prequel 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1051 words) [24/28] show all parts

Author: Sexylover
Added: Aug 27 2009Views / Reads: 260 / 209 [80%]Part vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
Per many readers requests, I am posting the story of Tommy and Melanie when they started to date. If you looking for sex, read Baby Be Mine Instead! Very short chapter. More to follow.

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"Would I be too forward if I asked you for your number?" Tommy asked her,

"No, but I would be disappointed if youd didn't call me." Melanie replied.

Tommy quickly took out his cell phone and before he could ask, she took if from him and entered her information.

"There. Now you now how to get a hold of me. You have my cell number, my apartment number, my home number in D.C. and my email address.

"Do you go home alot?"

"Used to. I still go home at least once a month."


"Well, let's just say my mom wants to keep me her sweet obedient daughter. She thinks too much time in a city as big as New York City might corrupt me somehow."

Tommy laughed. "You grew up in Washington D.C. did you not?"

"Yeah, but I had bodyguards wherever I went till I turned 18 and my ...

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