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The Speeding Ticketthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5555 words)

Author: Lagrimas de mi Alma
Added: Aug 27 2009Views / Reads: 2443 / 2235 [91%]Story vote: 9.43 (14 votes)
A woman gets pulled over for what she thinks will be a speeding ticket.

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Thanks to Justin for being my muse.


My name is Anita Perez. I am unemployed after graduate school. Though I am still technically a student and am just trying to finish my thesis, I have been fervently looking for a job. The student loan money has carried me quite far, but it is time for me to join the real world and try to pay back some of my debt. I have been looking for a job all over the state, but the state of the economy has made job hunting quite difficult.

I finally have a job interview! However, it is in a town on the other end of the state. I figured out that I have just enough money left in my bank account to drive to and from the interview. Everything rides on this job! I schedule the interview for the late afternoon so that I would not have to stay the night in a hotel room since that is not really in my budget. I got up the day of the interview at 6 in the morning and got ready for my interview. I was only the road at 730 am, and was there with 30 minutes to spare, which gave me enough time to change into my interview suit. The interview went very well, and I left the building feeling fairly positive about my chances for getting the job.

I get back into my car and when I stopped for gas, I changed out of my ...

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