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Holly's schoolthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 6176 words)

Author: Editor of Sexrealm Picture in profile
Added: Sep 02 2009Views / Reads: 5230 / 4520 [86%]Story vote: 8.73 (11 votes)
It had always been her school, her sex, her way. Now a new teacher had appeared, and it was time to teach him to stay in line. Only this teacher was not as simple as the others...

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Holly's School

By: Editor of Sexrealm - 09

This school was hers. All hers.

Holly had ruled this roost since she had the capacity, and easily had everyone eating out her her hand. The jocks were easy prey, the nerds a laughing matter, and the faculty (which was principally all male) were simple creatures for her to control. All the girls wanted to be like her, and she formed a clique around her, strong, hard girls that did what she did, and followed her lead.

Sex was the weapon of her choice, and she used it well. Whether it was a handjob, or even the promise of a handjob while getting whatever man it was to plead and promise her whatever she wanted, or if it was a blowjob or fast fuck to ensure that the chosen male stayed in line, she did it all, and gladly, and well, to remain in her alpha-slot in this school. She was of course the head cheerleader, if she drops her books, someone will most definitely pick them up, and be happy to do it. If she fails a class... she doesn't fail a class. She was haunting, arrogant, the head of this school, and people either worshiped at her feet, or feared her. Or both, at the same time.

Finally the mathteacher, long time firmly under her heel, could not take ...

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