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Wanda's Aunt Sally this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1283 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: trainer
Added: Sep 03 2009Views / Reads: 4096 / 3000 [73%]Part vote: 8.71 (24 votes)
Having sex with Aunt Sally when Wanda was away

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I had met Aunt Sally several days ago and I was amazed by her looks. She was about 5 ft 10 and had red hair with blue eyes. Wanda had told me her Aunt was 40 but now that I saw her she looked amazingly younger, more in the 25 to 30 range of age. Her breasts looked to be about 36b and extremely firm looking and they did not sag. I definitely liked her imediately.

Oh well back to my story. I had arranged to take Wanda to a concert on this particular nite and when I went to pick her up, Aunt Sally greeted me at the door. She explained that Wanda and her paernts had been called to come to a hospital in Salem ( about 100 mile from here) rather suddenly as her grandmother had had a stroke and was in critical condition. Sally is Wanda's mothers sister. I asked why she hadn't gone also and she said, " I am from the other side of the family, Not related to her."

Well here I was with tickets to the concert and no date, so I asked Sally if she would like to go with me. To my surprise she agreed.

Sally run up and changed her clothes and returned in about 10 minutes. As she came down the steps, I looked at her and was surprised. She had dressed in a very short skirt, which was about two inches above her knees and had on a top that really emphasized her breasts. She looked as though she was my age and not 15 years older.


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