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The Job Interviewthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 2614 words)

Author: Tomcat63
Added: Nov 30 2000Views / Reads: 4506 / 3484 [77%]Story vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
The story is about a man going to a job interview with a local Tele-Marketing Firm.

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This story starts out at a Local Tele-Marketing Firm, I had just responded to an ad, and was granted an interview once I completed a job application at their location. As I filled out the application, there was this woman that caught my eye as she walked thru the lobby. I was having trouble concentrating on the application as her perfume seemed to drift towards me as she passed the table where I was filling the application out. I also noticed that this woman was wearing a dress that seemed a wee bit short, she was practically spilling out of it. After what seemed to be an eternity, I finished the application and I handed it to the receptionist. She directed me to a seat and asked me to wait till I was called.

I was called almost immediately and directed to a room that consisted of a conference room table surrounded by maybe 6 chairs and some other miscelleanous office equipment. Just as I was taking a seat, I heard footsteps outside the office followed by a conversation taking place. The conversation ended, and the door opened by the woman I had noticed outside while I completed the application. I think my hearts missed a few beats and my breathing became more rapid. I stood up, and I reached my hand out to introduce myself, she took my hand in hers and this strange feeling came over me, it wasn't the normal way of shaking hands that I was accustomed to. As she sat down opposite of me, I really had trouble concentrating, as I was drawn to her features and tried not to get caught looking. I kept reminding myself that I was on a job interview and try to act professional. As she read my ...

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