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Jennifer's coming to lifethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 2812 words) [2/4] show all parts

Author: Upright
Added: Nov 30 2000Views / Reads: 1089 / 861 [79%]Part vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Jennifer goes through the audition, and then . . .

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Jennifer and I were drinking coffee after a hearty breakfast. We had just returned from Jennifer's audition with producer/director, Harry. Karen, his wife and business partner had also been present. Probably because the horny bastard was given to sample the merchandise on occasion and Karen wanted to keep an eye on him.

"It was really embarrassing." Jennifer said blushing, "They wanted me to undress completely; it was really tough taking my bra and panties off while they watched. Then they examined me from just about every possible angle, if you know what I mean. Then they had me do some really lurid poses while they took digital shots of me. It was really embarrassing at first but they were very professional and encouraging. Harry kept telling me what a beautiful body I have and that I should be proud to show it off. When Harry and Karen were done, they told me to get dressed while they went into an adjoining office to discuss a possible contract. After dressing, I sat in a waiting room while they talked it over. There were other men and women there; I guess for the same reason I was. Most of them were a lot younger than me. Anyway Karen called me back into the audition room and offered me a contract for five movies! It was for $40,000, $8,000 for each movie; to be paid on completion of the shooting. Pretty good eh?" she was speaking in a confidential voice so that the guy in the next booth who was ogling her could not hear our conversation. Jennifer was wearing the outfit she ...

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