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Baker boythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3718 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Sep 27 2009Views / Reads: 7754 / 6914 [89%]Story vote: 9.58 (33 votes)
Violet has had plenty of lesbian sex but to her surprise she fancies the male apprentice at the local bakery. She decides to try and get him alone and see what happens.

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Violet left the café on the errand she most enjoyed, going to the bakery a few blocks away that made their croissants and bread. They made their own cakes at the café but bread they bought in.

The reason Violet enjoyed the errand is that there was a young man who worked at the bakery to whom she was strongly attracted. She wasn't often attracted to men, usually it was women that got her attention, but it did happen occasionally. However, she didn't really know what to do about it. With women she would seduce them, sometimes subtly over a long period of time, sometimes aggressively if she wasn't certain to see them regularly again. But with men she wasn't really sure how to behave. She would become painfully shy. She didn't even know the man at the bakery's name, she'd never dared ask. "Baker-boy" she called him to herself as she stood there coyly picking up her order and hoping that he'd suddenly ask for her phone number out of the blue.

He wasn't always there. He was some sort of apprentice so sometimes he'd be helping serve in the shop, but sometimes he'd be in the back presumably baking bread. But going there every day, Violet knew that if she went when they were at their most busy then he would likely be in the store. Like a shy teenager, she timed her visits with military precision to maximize her chance of meeting him. But then, like a shy teenager, she didn't have the confidence to move the conversation to a more personal level.


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