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Snacktimethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2209 words)

Author: Mark Jennings
Added: Oct 03 2009Views / Reads: 3631 / 3233 [89%]Story vote: 9.47 (19 votes)
My friends little sister comes to visit,

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"It's open!" I yelled from the kitchen. My roommate Ben's sister was coming to pick him up for a wedding. Ben had just blown up his transmission and needed a ride to the wedding so his little sister, a freshman at a smaller university near by, was swinging by to drive him to the wedding.

"Hey Cara, what's up?" I said, walking back into the living room where she'd already settled onto the couch and changed the channel off the baseball game I'd been watching.

"Not too much, just here to pick Ben up and remind you that baseball's boring," she cracked. Cara and I had become friends the few times she had come up to visit, mostly bonding by making fun of Ben.

Making a show of clearing my throat, I said "We have rules around here young lady. #1 on that list, is it's the 8th inning and we're up by a run in a pennant race. Flip it back until the games over."

She sarcastically replied "Yea, never been a huge fan of rules, to be honest with you. Besides it's Family Guy. So where's Ben?"

"I don't know probably out studying, he has a late class on Fridays and usually hits the library for a few hours afterward before we hit the ...

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