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Raphealthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 4521 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Oct 06 2009Views / Reads: 2653 / 2090 [79%]Story vote: 9.47 (15 votes)
Rapheal meets a woman in the art gallery cafe who thinks she is a man. But they decide to spend the day together anyway.

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Rapheal had the whole day off and for once she didn't have lots of chores to do. She decided to go to the Singapore Art Museum and knew that if she arrived there at lunch-time then admission was free, another bonus since her wallet seemed to have been somewhat empty recently. After spending nearly two hours wandering around the museum she went to the Dome café and treated herself to a latte with an extra shot of espresso. She needed a pickup. She sat down at one of the tables.

Rapheal had very short black hair and fair skin. She was dressed in a man's cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up showing a man's watch, and a pair of khaki pants. She looked like a man and was often mistaken for one. Since she was dressing as a man it was a type of compliment when people didn't realize she was a girl. Rapheal wasn't even her real name, but she picked it because it was a boy's name without most people realizing.

Rapheal started to daydream while her coffee cooled. She could feel her body's desire for sex. It was a long time since she'd been invited into anyone's bed. Despite her masculine appearance, she lacked masculine aggressiveness to overcome her shyness. When she lay in bed and fantasized, while her finger worked its magic, she was confident and could walk up to strangers, start a conversation and in a short time seduce them into whatever her fantasy required. In real life, starting conversations with strangers bordered on terrifying for her. ...

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