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Smart and Submissivethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 1837 words)

Author: Soumis
Added: Oct 10 2009Views / Reads: 1903 / 1510 [79%]Story vote: 8.90 (10 votes)
The idea for this story came from a study I read that showed that people who participate in BDSM have an average level of education that is higher than that of the public in general.

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As the end of the semester approached it brought with it the day Dr. Russ Benoit referred to as doomsday, that dreaded day when his undergraduate students turned in their term papers. Tomorrow the first of a huge stack of papers from his French Revolution and Early Modern Europe classes would hit his desk. Most of them would be written by students with no original thoughts of their own on enlightenment era Europe and whose writing skills had been stunted for so long by the internet that they could scarcely put together a complete sentence. He shuddered to think what it would be like if some genius hadn't invented spell-check.

He had one day of freedom until he had to lock himself in his apartment until all the papers were read, graded, and recorded. There was only one way he wanted to spend it.

He made his way across the campus to the department of applied mathematics and the office of Dr. Elizabeth DiGiovanna and found her finishing up a discussion with a colleague. Normally professors from their departments would have little to do with each other, but last year he had been directed to her as a translator of French and Italian. It wasn't long before they discovered over a discussion of 19th century erotic literature that despite their academic differences they were very much compatible.

He smiled listening to her speak forcefully to the other professor. It ...

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