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Favorite Babysitterthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 4930 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Tangie
Added: Dec 01 2000Views / Reads: 26821 / 22349 [83%]Part vote: 9.08 (12 votes)
Brieanna was in very high demand for babysitting. Most parents put her at the top of their list. She was the one they always called first. She did everything, not only did she care for them well she entertained them...little did these parents know..once s

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The sound of lockers were clanking in the hallways of Perryville High. It was Friday afternoon and the kids were ready for the weekend. Brieanna was just getting the last of her books from her locker when she felt a kiss on the side of her neck. She smiled knowing it was Steve. He whispered into her ear, "so we still on for tonight" yes we most certainly are she replied. "Just wait until you see the porch light blink twice, and then you will know the kids are fast asleep". I don't expect Mr.& Mrs Burgess home until around 1 am, so that should give us at least a couple of hours alone. Sounds like fun Steve said, he smiled and they walked out of the school.

Mr. Burgess had to pick up Brieanna because her parents did not want her driving home alone that late at night. He was there promptly at 6 pm. Her Father answered the door when he arrived. Brieanna was on her way down when she overheard Mr. Brugess say he should have her safely home no later than 1:30 am. She could not help but smile with the thought of her time with Steve alone. They both loved when she babysat late, it meant that they could have lots of time for making out. Brieanna loved making out with Steve. They kissed, touched, explored one anothers bodies, even oral sex. But that was the limit. Brieanna was afraid to go all the way, an besides, what they did do brought both of them much satisfaction.

Brieanna and Mr. Burgess shared a little chit chat from her house to his. The usual questions. How she was doing in school. Who her current ...

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