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Soapy Seductionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2098 words)

Author: Princess Pinky
Added: Oct 15 2009Views / Reads: 4334 / 2837 [65%]Story vote: 9.22 (9 votes)
Claire gets Steve in a lather with her naughty tease.

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‘Mmmmm - I enjoyed that' said Steve as he polished off his last mouthful of succulent Salmon. ‘You feed me too well - but I'm not complaining!'

He looked fondly across the table at his partner, Claire, as she delicately finished the last morsel of her own meal, watching thoughtfully how her delicate mouth and throat gently worked as she swallowed the last mouthful.

He breathed a reluctant but satisfied sigh. How was it that he managed to get so steamed up over the slightest thing she did? He could already feel himself twitching under the table at the thought of that luscious mouth gently caressing his increasingly stiffening cock....

‘Steady on lad' he thought to himself - ‘let the poor lass at least finish her meal in peace!'

He pushed himself up from the table;

‘I'll sort the dishes love. That was truly fantastic, again! You relax with your book or somethin'. Leave this lot to me.'

She looked up at him from under her eyelashes with a twinkle;

‘How very gallant!' she said. You're a proper star you are sweetheart. ...

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