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Rob's Sagathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 8923 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Oct 20 2009Views / Reads: 1356 / 1031 [76%]Part vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
A story to set the pace for the Just Plain Bob Annual invitational.

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It is October and that means that it is time for the annual Just Plain Bob Invitational. I am constantly bombarded with comments saying things like "You call that a story? My ten year old can do better than that." Also heard a lot is "If that were my story xxxxx would have xxxxxxx and xxxxx would have xxxx." So here is everyone's chance to show me how it should really be done. Step up and put an ending to this story. There is only one rule. You must state in your opening that your story is a continuation of my story.


It had been a long day. A ‘brown out' had slowed things down at work and it couldn't have happened at a worst time. The production run was already behind and we were up against a hard deadline. The contract had penalties for failure to deliver on time and we would have to work overtime on the weekend if we were to have any chance at all of meeting the deadline.

I was looking forward to a cold beer on the living room couch as I caught the news on CNN. There was a Harley in the driveway just behind Audrey's Hondo Civic and I wondered who it might belong to. I walked into the living room and found Audrey sitting on the couch with some guy who looked just like the typical ‘biker' that you see portrayed in the movies and on TV. A vest with all kinds of badges, pins and patches over a shirt with the sleeves torn off. Jeans, engineer boots ...

This story is part of the EroticStories.com FanClub archive. Therefore, you can only see the first few lines. If you want to see the rest, you can join the FanClub.

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