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Clubhousethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:exhibitionism, 2162 words)

Author: Exakta66 Picture in profile
Added: Nov 12 2009Views / Reads: 1603 / 1400 [87%]Story vote: 8.44 (9 votes)
A divorced man meets an energetic "workout partner" in the gym at his condo complex.

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I really welcomed moving into the condo after my divorce. The divorce put me through a lot of mental anguish and coming home at night and not ever having to worry about things like cutting grass or raking leaves was a welcome luxury in my life. It still is a welcome luxury three years after. The condominium complex I found has a swimming pool, tennis and basketball courts. Next to the pool is a clubhouse that contains the changing rooms for the pool, a full-featured gym and a main room with a sofa, fireplace and a Ping-Pong table. There is also a small kitchen area with a refrigerator and stove located right off of the main room. The gym with its treadmills, Universal weight lifting machine and large variety of weight lifting equipment including a bench press power station, also known as a Smith machine, was particularly welcome by me. During the time I was married I had started to neglect my body, as most married guys do, and now that I was single again I made it a point to get back in shape and regain my thin, yet muscular physique that I was once so proud of.

I started working out with a neighbor of mine who was once a competitive body builder. He was an invaluable source of fitness information. Anything you wanted to know about exercise, he seemed to know it. Since it was years since I did any real exercise, I welcomed his advice. After a couple of months working out with him, I really started to see significant gains. Since I was single again, I was very happy about this. Even if my newly muscled physique didn't always impress all the women, it at least gave me the confidence I needed to get back into the ...

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