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Rain dance and a new bridethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3017 words)

Author: Passionbites
Added: Nov 19 2009Views / Reads: 4353 / 2775 [64%]Story vote: 8.00 (6 votes)
Watching her dance inthe rain gets me horny....

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Her navel shown through the wet clinging saree as she moved sexily to the throbbing music. She turned aound swaying from side to side and exposed her back up to her waist covered only by the fancy strings that held her blouse in place.

She looked so ravishing, I wanted to have her right then!

Though I did not know her name at that time, her name is Seema. She seemed to have been married very recently as she sported the bright white and red bangles on her hands almost covering her entire forearms which was the hall mark of newly married women in this part of India.

The society of the apartment building that I stayed in was celebrating Holi one of the Indian festivals with a "rain dance" which was the theme at most holi parties recently. This involved bringing huge water tankers and spraying the air with water and creating artificial rain as the merrymakers danced to loud club or film music.

She was in a group with one person who was surely her husband and some other who were either friends or relatives. Most were already high on spirits and having a whale of a time.

Her husband occasionally would join her in her dance with clumsy frantic pelvic thrusts - his version of dance and then go back to sipping his liquor and shouting with the crowd. ...

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