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Weekend Getaway Ch. 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1282 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Gina Kincade Picture in profile
Added: Nov 24 2009Views / Reads: 499 / 350 [70%]Part vote: 8.75 (4 votes)
The next installment of her first BDSM experience and it just keeps getting better...watch for Ch 3 to cum...

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Weekend Getaway Ch. 2

His voice beckoned her to the patio with a huskiness that made her weak in the knees. She could hear the sound of water running and could only guess at what he had in store for her now. Whatever it was it was sure to be exciting, as the last bit had been.

He had surprised her with his new, more aggressive behaviour, but it excited her in ways she had ever known before. This was her lover, the man who knew her inside and out. It was no surprise that he had picked up on her subtle hints about this fantasy, her desire to lose all control. It was a thrill to have him so open minded and willing to accommodate her need to know.

Slightly embarrassed at the thought of going outside in her robe, where anyone could see them on the non-enclosed deck, she hesitated a fraction of a second.

"NOW!" he barked the order at her reluctance.

A portable hot tub full of warm water bubbled as she walked out of the bedroom onto the cool deck. He stood by the tub surrounded by candles and she could smell his own musky scent on the light breeze mixed with just the barest hint of cinnamon from the oils that scented the water.


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