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Taken By A Young Guy....Was It My Fault?/Part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 3277 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Sarahsmile Picture in profile
Added: Nov 26 2009Views / Reads: 2057 / 1720 [84%]Part vote: 9.37 (19 votes)
After weeks of an affair with a young guy and one particularly extra naughty night with multiple young guy's I have decided to give my marriage another chance...A story of truth and consequences.

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I finally left Johnny and Bills apartment at 5 a.m... the sun was not up but just barely beginning to cut through the darkest part of the night. The sky was a deep dark purple and the bright white moon was just slipping down below the horizon as I walked to my car. The air was crystal clear and icy cold enough to cause me to shiver and shake as I fumbled with my car keys and finally got into my car. My naked boobs, covered in dry cum, felt sore under my jogging suit as I crossed my arms and held myself tightly trying to keep warm...my super sensitive nipples almost piercing the thin material of the jogging suit as they slightly bounced up and down...trying to get warm... I could see my breath as I tried to get the key into the ignition but it just wouldn't go...my hand shaking like crazy as I laughed at myself. It must have been below freezing outside as I finally started my car and revved up the engine trying to get the heater working as quickly as possible.

As I sat there trying to get warm I thought about my husband who was so far away at his Uncle Joe's Funeral. This morning would be the final showing of Uncle Joe at the wake... mass at 10:00 and then the long drive to Cherry Hill Cemetery. My husband and his Uncle were very close and I was feeling bad I didn't go with him. Some excuse about work and he let me off the hook...I should have been there with him during this rough time in his life. Business was really slow because of the economy and he was working as hard as he could just to keep us afloat. It didn't matter that the politicians had someone to blame...all the years my husband Brian and I had worked so hard were all for nothing as we ...

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