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Pilot Episodethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 6351 words)

Author: Lyn Picture in profile
Added: Dec 12 2009Views / Reads: 7127 / 5193 [73%]Story vote: 9.37 (19 votes)
"Then, right in front of his face Jo grabbed my hair, and kssed me full on the mouth, my mth opened like a boa , and my searching tongue found hers. Her lips ground against mine, I gasped, she gasped and he gasped, as unaided by any of us, the big,

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Pilot Episode

Just so as you know, Jo is Jo Jo off the ES site, and is my mate, we live in the same town. She is 32, I'm 41. She's married with three children, but she is a BABE, and as horny as all hell. Her husband neglects her, sexually I mean. Very occasionally she's let loose to go out with me. Last Friday was one of these occasions, with the unusual add in that she was allowed to stay over at my house. Jo's husband Nick says he doesn't like her coming back as drunk as she does, waking the furniture, and tripping over the kids.

Now, on a couple of occasions we have taken men ( or a man) back to my house to have our way with, and still got her home for midnight, mouth-washed and showered.

I should also mention (this is becoming a trend, really isn't it?) I do rather fancy her. Well, a lot really. True she is guilty of some fairly outrageous girl/girl flirting on this site, with JillBaby, but who can blame her with JillBaby?

Apart from this she admits to being the veteran of two and two only girl/girl dalliances, and both were for the entertainment of a man. In one case a paying man, [see Jo's "48 Hours as a hooker"] and in the other case, a lover of mine, and I was the girl she girl/girl with. Yummy. I was allowed to because George asked us to, and she was ...

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