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My Dad's friend gives me a five star experiencethis story is part of the FanClub (mm:seduction, 4237 words)

Author: Passionbites
Added: Dec 14 2009Views / Reads: 4139 / 2911 [70%]Story vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
My Dad's friend gets to know that I am gay from one of my ex's and seduces me

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I was on my way to meet Mr. Suresh a friend of my Dad.

I really wasn't sure if I should call him Uncle Suresh. Though he was my Dad's friend, he was younger than my Dad and his kids were a lot younger than me.

The last time I met him, it had been at a Christmas celebration at a common friend's place. We had just about spoken in the melee.

When my mother called to say that he was coming to my town and that he was bringing some of my stuff that I wanted form home over, I was touched that he was taking all the trouble. He had some work in Bombay where I lived and worked now and he would be staying for a few days.

I reached the hotel where he was staying which was one of the five star hotels on the Juhu Beach. He had invited me to dinner with him. So I presumed we would be going someplace else as I was sure this place would be very expensive.

The reception announced my arrival to him and he asked for me to be sent up to his room. As I made my way to his room, I was mentally making up conversation topics so that we would have something to talk of for the rest of the evening.

I knocked on his door and heard a "Just a minute" before he opened the ...

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