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I Don't Want to be Nice...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1555 words)

Author: Seamus DS
Added: Dec 19 2009Views / Reads: 570 / 313 [55%]Story vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
A short, intense encounter when the narrator doesn't want to be romantic and just wants to take... and his partner lets him.

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I Don't Want to Be Nice

I don't want to pop open a bottle of good wine, and drink it while talking, flirting, and lightly touching. I don't want to just slowly ease our way into the bedroom and between the sheets. There's nothing wrong with that, and 90 - 95% of the time that's a great way to spend an incredible evening and it's guaranteed to plaster a stupid grin on my face....

90 or 95% of the time.

But there's a part of me inside, that last ten percent that doesn't want wine, soft lights and quiet music. That last ten percent of me is not a nice person, doesn't want to be a nice person, and it wants out. NOW. Every now and then it happens like this, the other side starts to whisper, then to scream, and then it will not be ignored...

I want my hand on your throat, not choking. Not quite. But controlling you, pushing you back against the wall and holding you there as I look at you, think about what I want to do to you. What I want to make you do to me. To yourself.

I don't want to ask, I don't want to slowly move in, my lips towards yours. I want to consume you. I want to devour your mouth and force my thick, needy tongue into your mouth and fill it with my want. I ...

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