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Nursing JJ (Part Two)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1122 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Don Abdul Picture in profile
Added: Dec 25 2009Views / Reads: 2456 / 1799 [73%]Part vote: 9.15 (13 votes)
Sexy, chubby and horny nurse gets caught fucking her patient. Was she just unlucky or was she set up?

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Nursing JJ (Part 2)

Don Abdul ©2009

Laney jumped off the bed and scrambled for her clothes, and then suddenly she noticed that the Bossy April was sitting on a chair with her legs wide open. Her uniform had also been unbuttoned to the crotch. Her nipples were also poking out at the front of her uniform, and she had the bossy, bitchy look of a dominatrix on her face. There was also something unfamiliar, yet very arousing about her too.

"How very unprofessional... and very naughty you have been Laney"

"My, my! You're quite a slut too I see" April said never for a second breaking her strong eye contact. Within a minute, the test of will had been resolved. Something had been settled between the two women; April was the mistress, and Laney the bitch.

"Yes! Yes ma'am, I need to be punished" Laney said looking down, and submitting to the other woman's authority.

Meanwhile, JJ looked on with keen interest. Regardless of his condition, he had a ‘keen mind', April knew that, she had known it from the very first day she had met him. As for Laney, she did not know half the story yet. ...

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