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Nursing JJ (Part Three)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1616 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Don Abdul Picture in profile
Added: Dec 27 2009Views / Reads: 1834 / 1418 [77%]Part vote: 9.18 (11 votes)
Bossy BBW nurse April dominates her horny assistant and helps JJ fulfill his sexual fantasies...

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Nursing JJ (Part 3) Don Abdul ©2009

As April floated back to earth, she realized that the copious juice from her powerful orgasm had leaked from her and run down JJ cock. ‘What a man!' she thought with a fond smile and adoration in her teary eyes. Only JJ had been able to fill her up so tightly and touch her deep inside like that. Now it was time for her to do something huge for him too.


JJ had always fantasized about being with two women in a threesome. It had been his secret fantasy for ages; one that he never expected would be fulfilled in a life time due to his condition. Before coming to the hospital and meeting April, he had only been laid one before in his life by his parent's wayward French maid, but tonight his dream was about to come true. He was so excited, his jaw slackened and his eyes followed April every movement. He trusted her and knew she would not let him down.

Meanwhile, Laney was beginning to cotton on the true situation of things, her admiration for JJ trebled in tune with her joy of discovering the kinky side of her forbidding supervisor. The depth of her curiosity of what laid ahead sent shivers of excitement through her, her slutty pussy was all soaked again as she teased her hardened ...

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