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Internal Affairsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 5865 words)

Author: Jo Jo Picture in profile
Added: Jan 09 2010Views / Reads: 3286 / 2651 [81%]Story vote: 9.43 (21 votes)
I had chosen well, not having seen the goods still, only the bulge. "Oh god that's beautiful" he moaned, as his cock moved in and out of me. "You're so smooth" he groaned "Very VERY wet cunt" I acknowledged "no

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Internal Affairs

(95% True, if you're interested, and this is an amalgamation of two or three real life incidents and a sexual fantasy)

When I was 23 and pregnant with my second child I went for an early scan at my nearest hospital, I had the gel applied and a nurse ran the scanner thing over my belly. All was okay, 3 months pregnant, and hardly showing. I was in a curtained cubicle, and "decent " as in all covered up bar my little belly.

After that I was told a doctor would be round to give me an intrnl (plvic) examination. Before long the curtains opened and a young male doctor came in, he was about my age.

"Good morning, Mrs Pokehard, he said, (I may have changed my name here) was wondering if some medical students could come in on this exam, is that okay with you?"

"Er, yes, I suppose, fine" I said. I was more enthusiastic later.

"Much appreciated" said the young dark and devilishly handsome doctor, and he ushered in his entourage.

There were six of them, in all, all in ill fitting white coats. Three ...

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