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My Sex Adventure with two girls during Navratrithis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 1513 words)

Author: Anonymous
Added: Jan 09 2010Views / Reads: 2827 / 1963 [69%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
“Number of abortions rise in Gujarat a couple of months after Navratri” A statement made by Gujarat state's women & child welfare Minister comes in India's leading newspapers during Navratri festival. The entire Gujarat was agog with celebrations all

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"Number of abortions rise in Gujarat a couple of months after Navratri" A statement made by Gujarat state's women & child welfare Minister comes in India's leading newspapers during Navratri festival. The entire Gujarat was agog with celebrations all over. Why Gujarat, every part of India celebrated Navratri festival in their own way. Goddess Durga Pooja in West Bengal is their national festival. In Tamilnadu they display Kolu in each home. In Andhra, Karnataka and in Kerala, all nine days and nights are full of cultural celebrations. But in Gujarat it is something special. All the girls come out in the streets to sing and dance. Dance items like Garba, Ras are famous. Girls especially teen age girls and women in their twenties and thirties move around to various dance sites and participate. This goes on for the whole night for 9 nights during Navratri.

Nobody can keep a watch on any girl to know where she is going and what she is doing. Immediately after Navratri, hundreds of teen age abortions are done privately in hospitals. Some husbands and parents even engage private detectives to know whether these girls/women go astray in the name of garba dance. Most of them do go astray, but they enjoy life. They may have sex with boy friends, with bosses, colleagues, servants, or even strangers. Most of them do have sex. Girls & housewives even boast about the number of people they had sex with during the navratri.

Once I happened to be in Mumbai on my way to Delhi and for overnight ...

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