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A Second Chancethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 13233 words) [1/4] show all parts

Author: Anonyed
Added: Jan 16 2010Views / Reads: 8941 / 7393 [83%]Part vote: 9.71 (28 votes)
A surprise encounter with his sister’s best friend after a few years away at College – maybe second chances do occur.

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All Dave wanted to do was sleep. Here he sat, on an uncomfortable vinyl chair with almost no padding, in a military transport terminal in Halifax Nova Scotia, waiting for the flight to some time off in Edmonton Alberta. He tugged at the collar of his dress military uniform, anxious to get somewhere that he could take it off and relax. Leaning back, he closed his eyes and tried to doze off - 90 minutes to go until flight time (stupid "hurry up and wait" military requirement to be 2 hrs early for flights!). Of course, trying to sleep was futile.

Eyes still closed, Dave's mind quickly wandered to his favourite obsession - sex. Dave was still a virgin at age 20. He had been out on many first and second dates, but had yet to have a bona-fide ‘girlfriend' due to many factors - not the least of which was his nomadic military training lifestyle that had him constantly moving and starting over each time.

On a couple occasions he had thought he would finally get laid, but every time he had his ‘grass cut' by a course-mate horning in on the girl, or was defeated by his own lack of confidence. It seemed that he would get into the kissing and heavy petting mode relatively easily, but for some reason circumstances weren't right, or the girl would get cold feet and shut him down. His mind was forever churning, trying to figure out how to rectify his constant striking out with the ladies.


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