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Neighborly Lust (Part 3)this story is part of the FanClub (ff:domination, 1013 words) [3/7] show all parts

Author: Don Abdul Picture in profile
Added: Jan 29 2010Views / Reads: 1080 / 924 [86%]Part vote: 8.14 (7 votes)
Gabrielle show’s her horny new neighbor Jacquie who is boss, dominating and punishing her for fucking her husband without her permission.

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Neighborly Lust (Part 3)

Don Abdul ©2010

Before I could answer his question though, he rolled off the bed and went over to the dresser to retrieve his cell phone. When he returned to the bed he untied my hands and feet and showed me the screen of his cell phone. My jaw literally hit the floor as I watched the recording of our recently concluded fuck fest. I looked up into his eyes and he smiled mischievously, and said, "You're in big trouble bitch! Wait until Gabrielle sees this."


I fell asleep right after Santos left, I was worn out from the hard fucking I had received but my sleep was a troubled one. My dream was an anticipation of the horrible things Gabrielle would do to me once she had watched the video of me fucking her husband. I tossed and turned for half an hour before finally falling into deep sleep.

I heard nothing from my neighbors through out the week, and then at midday on Friday my phone rang. It was Gabrielle and she asked if I could join her for lunch. "I uh... um, okay!" I stuttered and finally succumbed. Although she her words were polite, her tone of voice actually didn't leave any room for a refusal. ...

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