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In The Dark Of Night Ch. 03this story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 4448 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: AsylumSeeker
Added: Feb 11 2010Views / Reads: 252 / 237 [94%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Gerry takes his investigation on the road

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IN THE DARK OF NIGHT CH. 03 By AsylumSeeker

Daisy didn't let me simply slip out of bed the next morning, not when she knew I was leaving. It was as if she was lying there in wait, pretending to be sleeping, just waiting for my rhythmic sleep breathing to normalize and my body to stir. And when it did she whispered the normal greeting and kissed my lips.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," I responded.

Her arms coiled around my neck, her eyes searching mine once more. "You've developed feelings for me, haven't you?"

I grinned smugly. "I love how you feel."

Her eyes rolled. "Always playing the tough guy. But I don't think you're as tough as you pretend to be. You have a soft side too, and I think I've found it. I've gotten to you, admit it."

She had, but knowing it and admitting to it were two different things entirely. Now this dame was starting to act more like one, pressing my buttons, or at least trying to. But I wasn't going to play this game, not with her, at least not today. There was too much to do to allow myself to be getting all soft and emotional.


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